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2001/9 - 2008/7 北京科技大学伟德体育,材料物理与化学专业,博士

1997/9 - 2001/7 山东大学伟德体育,材料科学与工程专业,学士


2018/6 - 至今       伟德体育,博士生导师

2016/9 – 至今  伟德体育,副教授

2011/6 – 2016/8   伟德体育,讲师

2009/3 – 2011/5   清华大学国家电子显微镜中心,博士后














1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,Mg-Sn-Zn-Bi合金中共生析出相非均匀形成机制的原子尺度研究2021.1-2024.1258万,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,Mg-Sn系合金中亚稳相结构及其非均匀形核机理研究,2017.9-2021.1273.8万,主持

3. 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,Mg-3Nd-1Zn合金中柱面析出相形成机制的原子尺度研究,2020.7-2023.610万,主持

4. 重庆市社会事业与民生保障科技创新专项,高性能长寿命耐磨钢球的研发与产业化,2018.3-2019.1230万,主持

5. 国家重点研发计划,先进材料多维多尺度高通量表征技术,2016.7-2021.660万元,参与

6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,Mg-Sn-Zn合金中沉淀析出反应及其强化相非均匀形核机理研究,2013.1-2015.1225万元,主持

7. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973),镁合金析出相变与强韧化机理,2013.1-2017.12600万,项目骨干

8. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,时效镁合金的沉淀析出与强韧化机理研究,2012.1-2016.12330万,项目骨干



[1] C. He, Z.Q. Li, D.H. Kong, X.J. Zhao, H.W. Chen*, J.F. Nie*. Origin of profuse {11-21} deformation twins in Mg-Gd alloys. Scripta Materialia, 191 (2021) 62-66.

[2] C. He, Z.Q. Li, H.W. Chen*, N. Wilson, J.F. Nie*. Unusual solute segregation phenomenon in coherent twin boundaries. Nature Communications, 12 (2021) 722.

[3] L. Qi, X.D. Huang, A.P. Zhang, H.W. Chen*, J.F. Nie*. Martensitic transformation induced dislocation wall in Fe42Mn38Co10Cr10 high-entropy alloy. Scripta Materialia, 201 (2021) 113929.


[1] C. He Y. Zhang, C.Q. Liu, Y. Yue, H.W. Chen*, J.F. Nie*. Unexpected partial dislocations within stacking faults in a cold deformed Mg-Bi alloy. Acta Materialia, 188 (2020) 328-343.IF=7.656,一区,金属材料TOP1

[2] Y.H. Zheng, Y.X. Liu, N. Wilson, S.Q. Liu, X.J. Zhao, H.W. Chen*, J.F. Li*, Z.Q. Zheng, L. Bourgeois, J.F. Nie*. Solute segregation induced sandwich structure in Al-Cu(-Au) alloys. Acta Materialia, 184 (2020) 17-29.IF=7.656,一区,金属材料TOP1

[3] C.Q. Liu, H.W. Chen*, H. Liu, X.J. Zhao, J.F. Nie*. Precipitation on stacking faults in Mg-9.8wt%Sn alloy. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 45 (2020) 230-240.IF=6.155,一区)

[4] B.Q. Cheng, X.J. Zhao, Y. Zhang, H.W. Chen*, I. Polmear, J.F. Nie*. Co-segregation of Mg and Zn atoms at the planar η1-precipitate/Al matrix interface in an aged Al-Zn-Mg alloy. Scripta Materialia, 185 (2020) 51-55. IF=5.079,一区)

[5] C. He, Z.Q. Li, D.H. Kong, X.J. Zhao, H.W. Chen*, J.F. Nie*. Origin of profuse {11-21} deformation twins in Mg-Gd alloys. Scripta Materialia, 191 (2020) 62-66. IF=5.079,一区)

[6] X.J. Zhao, Z.Q, Li, H.W. Chen*, R. Schmid-Fetzer*, J.F. Nie*. On the equilibrium intermetallic phase in Mg-Nd-Ag alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 51A (2020) 1402-1415.IF=2.050,二区)

[7] C. He, C.Q. Liu, H.W. Chen*, J.F. Nie*. Enhanced age-hardening response in Mg-Zn-Co alloys with Bi additions. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 815 (2020) 152419.IF=4.650,一区)



[1] X.J. Zhao, H.W. Chen, N. Wilson, Q. Liu, J.F. Nie*. Direct observation and impact of co-segregated atoms in magnesium having multiple alloying elements. Nature Communications, 10 (2019) 3243.IF=12.118,一区,Nature子刊)

[2] H.W. Chen*, C.L. Liu, Z.Q. Li, P. Li, A.P. Zhang, J.F. Nie*. Effects of Ca addition on microstructures of aged Mg-15Gd-0.5Zr alloy. Materials Characterization, 156 (2019) 109838.IF=2.942,一区)

[3] C.Q. Liu, H.W. Chen*, N.C. Wilson, J.F. Nie*. Zn segregation in interface between Mg17Al12 precipitate and Mg matrix in Mg-Al-Zn alloys. Scripta Materialia, 163 (2019) 91-95.IF=4.150,一区)



[1] C.Q. Liu, H.W. Chen*, H. Liu, J.F. Nie*. Metastable precipitate phases in Mg-9.8wt.%Sn alloy, Acta Materialia, 2018, 155: 590-600.IF=6.036,一区,金属材料TOP1

[2] H. Zhang, C.Q. Liu, Y.M. Zhu, H.W. Chen*, L. Bourgeios*, J.F. Nie*. Revisiting building block ordering of long-period stacking ordered structures in Mg-Y-Al alloys, Acta Materialia, 2018, 152: 96-106. IF=6.036,一区,金属材料TOP1

[3] C.Q. Liu, H.W. Chen*, N. Wilson, J.F. Nie*. Twin-like fault in Mg-9.8wt%Sn alloy. Scripta Materialia, 2018, 155: 89-93.IF=4.163,一区)

[4] C.Q. Liu, C.L. Liu, H.W. Chen*, J.F. Nie*. Heat-treatable Mg-9Al-6Sn-3Zn extrusion alloy, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018, 34: 284-290. IF=3.609,一区)

[5] Z.F. Lei, X.J. Liu, Y. Wu, H. Wang, S.H. Jiang, X.D. Hui, Y.D. Wu, B. Gault, P. Kontis, D. Raabe, L. Gu, Q.H. Zhang, H.W. Chen, H.T. Wang, J.B. Liu, K. An, Q.S. Zeng, T.G. Nieh, Z.P. Lu*. Enhanced strength and ductility in a high-entropy alloy via ordered oxygen complexes, Nature, 2018, 563: 546-550.IF=41.577,一区)

[6] Y.Y. Zhao, H.W. Chen, Z.P. Lu, T.G. Nieh, Thermal stability and coarsening of coherent particles in a precipitation-hardened (NiCoFeCr)94Ti2Al4 high-entropy alloy. Acta Materialia, 2018, 147: 184-194.IF=6.036,一区,金属材料TOP1

[7] W.T. Sun, X.G. Qiao*, M.Y. Zheng*, C. Xu, S. Kamado, X.J. Zhao, H.W. Chen, N. Gao, M.J. Starihk, Altered ageing behaviour of a nanostrucutred Mg-8.2Gd-3.8Y-1.0Zn-0.4Zr alloy processed by high pressure torsion. Acta Materialia, 2018, 151: 260-270.  IF=6.036,一区,金属材料TOP1



[1] C.Q. Liu, H.W. Chen*, J.F. Nie*. Zn segregation at precipitate/matrix interface in Mg-Sn-Zn alloys. in J.N. Solanki, et al. (eds.), Magnesium Technology 2017, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-52392-7_11.



[1] C.Q. Liu, H.W. Chen*, J.F. Nie*. Interphase boundary segregation of Zn in Mg-Sn-Zn alloys. Scripta Materialia, 2016, 123: 5-8.

[2] C.Q. Liu, H.W. Chen*, C. He, Y.Y. Zhang, J.F. Nie. Effects of Zn additions on the microstructure and hardness of Mg-9Al-6Sn alloy. Materials Characterization, 2016, 113: 214-221.

[3] W.L. Song, Y. Wu*, H. Wang, X.J. Liu, H.W. Chen, Z.X. Guo, Z.P. Lu*. Microstructural control via copious nucleation manipulated by in situ formed nucleants: Large-sized and ductile metallic glass composites. Advanced Materials, 2016, 28: 8156-8161.

[4] Y.F. Zhao, Z. Qian, X. Ma, H.W. Chen, T. Gao, Y.Y. Wu, X.F. Liu. Unveiling the semicoherent interface with definite orientation relationships between reinforcements and matrix in novel Al3BC/Al composites. ACS Applied Materials &Interface, 2016, 8: 28194-28201.



[1] H.W. Chen, J.H. Chen*, R. Wang. A structural study of Fe/ZSM-5 catalyst by through -focus exit-wavefunction reconstruction in HRTEM. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2009, 120: 472-476.



[1] H.W. Chen, R. Wang*. Bulk-compositional changes of Ni2Al3 and NiAl3 during ion etching. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2008, 266: 1062-1068.

[2] R. Wang, H.W. Chen, Z.L. Lu, et al. Structural transitions during aluminum leaching of NiAl3 phase in a Raney Ni-Al alloy. Journal of Materials Science, 2008, 43: 5712-5719.

[3] 陈厚文, 王蓉. 离子减薄后NiAl3合金相中调制结构的高分辨电子显微学研究. 金属学报, 2008, 44: 1153-1156.

[4] 陈厚文, 王蓉. 研究沸石结构的低剂量高分辨电子显微学方法. 分析测试学报, 2008, 27: 1011-1013.



[1] 陈厚文,刘超强,闫昌建。一种镁合金的制备方法,2014.5.9,中国,ZL 201410195916.7.部分国际、国内学术交流:



