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余林文 系所:建筑材料工程系 职称:副教授 职务: 学位:博士 邮箱:linwen.yu@cqu.edu.cn 电话:13883736706 |
2019.9-至今 伟德体育 副教授
2016.9-2019.9 伟德体育 讲师
2016.3-2016.9 图卢兹大学结构与材料耐久性实验室 博士后
2014.5-2016.3 加拿大舍布鲁克大学土木工程系 博士(联合培养)
2012.10-2016.3 图卢兹国立应用科学学院土木工程系 博士
RILEM TC-262-SCI技术分会成员
本科生课程 《建材质量检测与控制》、《建材质量检测与控制实验》、《土木工程材料》、《材料设计》
研究生课程 《建设工程质量控制与管理》
[1] Zhang Wulong, Francois Raoul, Cai Yuxin, Charron Jean-phllippe, Yu Linwen*, Influence of artificial cracks and interfacial defects on the corrosion behavior of steel in concrete during corrosion initiation under a chloride environment, Construction and Building Materials, 253 (2020): 119165
[2] Cai Yuxin, Zhang Wulong, Yu Linwen*, Chen Mengzhu, Yang Changhui, Francois Raoul, Yang Kai*, Characteristics of the steel-concrete interface and their effect on the corrosion of steel bars in concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 253 (2020): 119162
[3] Zhang, Wulong, Raoul François, and Linwen Yu*. "Influence of load-induced cracks coupled or not with top-casting-induced defects on the corrosion of the longitudinal tensile reinforcement of naturally corroded beams exposed to chloride environment under sustained loading." Cement and Concrete Research 129 (2020): 105972.
[4] M. Chen, F. Wu, L. YU*, Y. Cai, H. Chen and M. Zhang, Chloride binding capacity of LDHs with various divalent cations and divalent to trivalent cation ratios in different solutions[J], CrystEngComm, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9CE01322A
[5] Zhang W, Yu L*, François R. Influence of top-casting-induced defects on the corrosion of the compressive reinforcement of naturally corroded beams under sustained loading[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 229: 116912.
[6] Ye J, Yu L*, Chen Y. Study on the Mitigative Effect of Controlled Permeable Formwork (CPF) Liner on Early-Age Shrinkage of Box-Girder Concrete[J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 2019.
[7] Cai Y, Yu L*, Yang Y, et al. Effect of Early Age-Curing Methods on Drying Shrinkage of Alkali-Activated Slag Concrete[J]. Materials, 2019, 12(10): 1633.
[8] Zhu X, Zhang Z, Yang K*, Magee B, Wang Y, Yu L*, et al. Characterisation of pore structure development of alkali-activated slag cement during early hydration using electrical responses. Cement and Concrete Composites 89 (2018): 139-149.
[9] Yang K, Yang C, Pan Q, Zhang J, Yu L*, et al. "First structural use of site-cast, alkali-activated slag concrete in China." Structures & Buildings (2017):1-10.
[10] Yu L, François R*, Gagné R. Mechanical performance of deep beams damaged by corrosion in a chloride environment[J]. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2018, 22(5): 523-545.
[11] Linwen Yu, Raoul Francois*, et al. “Influence of steel–concrete interface defects induced by top-casting on development of chloride-induced corrosion in RC beams under sustained loading." Materials & Structures 49.12(2016):1-13.
[12] Linwen Yu, Raoul Francois*, et al. "Development of chloride-induced corrosion in pre-cracked RC beams under sustained loading: Effect of load-induced cracks, concrete cover, and exposure conditions." Cement and Concrete Research 67 (2015): 246-258.
[13] Linwen Yu, Raoul Francois*, et al. "Structural performance of RC beams damaged by natural corrosion under sustained loading in a chloride environment." Engineering Structures 96 (2015): 30-40.
[14] Linwen Yu, Raoul Francois*, et al. "Distribution of corrosion and pitting factor of steel in corroded RC beams." Construction and building materials 95 (2015): 384-392.
在读研究生:2018级 陈航、杨欢;2019级 袁慧慧;2020级李阳、孙钰璇
毕业研究生:2017级 蔡渝新、陈梦竹、胡星